Joining the Club

Joining The Motor Caravanners' Club offers a wide network of both regional and special interest groups organising regular meets at places of interest, country parks, fairs, village functions and various other locations throughout the UK and Spain. These include holiday rallies and foreign tours.
Members may attend meets (or rallies) of any group and booking is not normally necessary. The exception being where space is limited or booking is required for catering purposes.
We are a not for profit making Club run (as a Company limited by Guarantee) for members by a Council of Management elected by the members with regional and special interest groups run by elected committees all of whom are volunteers.
We are open to owners or users of Motor Caravans be they factory built or privately converted up to an acceptable standard for hygiene and safety reasons.

At present our specialised Groups are, Select European Rallies group and the Motorcycle Group.

Currently, we cannot accept caravans or tents, we only accept motorhomes and campervans.

There are two main methods of joining:
(1) On-Line using the 'Application Form' available under the 'On-Line Services' Menu tab. (this method is almost instantaneous). Carry a copy of the email you will be sent with you in the van until you receive your membership cards. The rally organisers will accept this as proof of membership. 
(2) Using the old fashioned method of filling in a form and posting off to head office. (this method will take a few days)
For the second method, click on this link  “APPLICATION FORM”, print the form and complete it, remembering to sign and date the form as required then post to
The Motor Caravanners' Club LIMITED (BY GUARANTEE)
Wood Farm Estate,
Marlbank Road,
England WR13 6NA
UK Tel: 01684 311677
International Tel: +44 (0)1684 311677
Non members are also able to join at a Rally. If you go along to a Rally tell the Rally Host or Steward that you wish to join and they will do the rest. Why not print out an Application Form and take it along with your payment. Payment at a rally can be either cash or cheque, the completed form will be sent to head office. Groups do not have the facility to process debit/credit card payments.
Fees and Payment
The Membership subscription fee is £37.75 per year.

Payment can be made online, or in cash if you join at a Rally. You cna also send in the application form and the office will contact you to collect payment over the phone.

Membership of The Motor Caravanners' Club covers the applicant and a nominated joint member who must live at the same address and be over the age of 18 (Full Members) and his/her children who are under the age of 18.
Members must own or have the use of a motor caravan, whether factory or privately converted.
Membership is valid for 12 months and runs from the first day of the month of joining.
Members Undertaking
I hereby undertake to contribute to the assets of the Association in the event of its being wound up while I am a member or within one year after I cease to be a member, for payments of debts and liabilities of the Association contracted before I ceased to be a member and the costs, charges and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustments of rights of contributories among themselves such amount as may be required not exceeding TWO POUNDS; to pay to the Association during my membership such entrance fees and annual or life subscriptions as the Council shall from time to time prescribe; and to be bound by the Articles of Association and the regulations made by the Council there under.